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Customised service

Connecting Europe offers a customised service in its efforts to facilitate the work of educational institutions as far as possible. It undertakes precise management, signing agreements and undertaking each step flexibly without losing rigour at any time.

It pays special attention to administrative work for the confidence and satisfaction of its customers.

Customised budgets

We have designed a free extranet for educational institutions to prepare customised budgets independently. The system allows the country, the destination city, the type of lodging, the language course and many other services to be chosen. The budget is immediately provided quickly and simply. Even if you are not a customer, click here and we will register you.

The extranet also centralises all students’ information and the documentation required by the movement project organisation for monitoring. It displays the companies assigned to students, their lodgings and contact information for the collaborators in the destination cities, among many other functions.

Contact the Connecting Europe team and request access without obligation to try the extranet and convince yourself of all its advantages.